This function creates a descriptive plot for a question in an endorsement experiment.

endorse.plot(Y, data, scale, dk = 98, ra = 99, yaxis = NULL,
             col.seq = NA)



a character vector. List of the variable names for the responses to a question. Each variable name corresponds to each treatment status.


data frame containing the variables.


an integer. The scale of the responses. The function assumes that the responses are coded so that 1 indicates the lowest support while the integer specified in this argument represents the highest support.


an integer indicating the value of the response variable that is to be interpreted as ``Don't Know.'' Default is 98.


an integer indicating the value of the response variable that is to be interpreted as ``Refused.'' Default is 99.


a character vector of the same length as Y. The argument will be used for the label of the horizontal axis. The order should be the same as Y.


a vector of colors for the bars or bar components. By default, a gradation of gray where the darkest indicates the highest support level.


A descriptive plot for the responses to a question.


data(pakistan) Y <- c("Polio.a", "Polio.b", "Polio.c", "Polio.d", "Polio.e") yaxis <- c("Control", "Kashmir", "Afghan", "Al-Qaida", "Tanzeems") endorse.plot(Y = Y, data = pakistan, scale = 5)